Diary entry last April 15-16

 Dear Diary,

Today was the beginning of an unexpected adventure when I found myself working with my cousin, uncle, and brother in my aunt's plantation in Pototan, Iloilo. Despite the scorching heat, there was an undeniable excitement and camaraderie among us as we embarked on this arduous journey.From the moment we arrived, it was clear that the weather was going to be a formidable opponent. The sun beat relentlessly, making the air thick with heat and humidity. Despite the discomfort, there was a sense of determination in the air as we set about our tasks.Together we toiled under the scorching sun, tending the crops with care and diligence. Every task takes physical effort and perseverance, but we work tirelessly, fueled by the promise of a reward at the end of the day.As the hours passed, the heat seemed to intensify, testing our endurance and resilience. However, amidst the hot conditions, there was a sense of satisfaction to see our efforts pay off. With each weeding and each harvest, we are one step closer to our goal.Despite the challenges, there were moments of joy and laughter interspersed throughout the day. We shared stories, jokes, and the occasional break to revive our energy and spirit. In those moments, the heat seemed less oppressive, and our bond as a family grew stronger.At the end of the second day, as the sun began to sink below the horizon, we surveyed our work with pride and accomplishment. Although tired, we were filled with great satisfaction knowing that our hard work had paid off.As we headed home, tired but satisfied, I couldn't help but think about the past two days. Despite the grueling conditions, there was beauty in the simplicity of the work, and a sense of accomplishment in knowing we had earned our keep.Although our time on the plantation may have been short, the memories we created and the lessons we learned will stay with me forever. It's a reminder of the importance of hard work, perseverance, and family bonding.

Until next time, dear diary.

Sincerely yours,

Erika Tomulto 


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